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How many types of enzymes are there in detergents?

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Protease ,Antagonist protein

Protein is found in sweat, blood, chocolate, dairy products, and milk-based beverages such as tea, coffee, and tea. You may be surprised to learn that grass stains are also protein-based! Proteases break down the molecules in these protein stains, making it possible for surfactants (active cleaners) to be separated from the fabric. (Note: Many fabrics - including silk, wool, and cashmere - are protein-based. This means that proteases degrade the quality of the fabric over time. For these items, use our enzyme-free laundry detergent)

Amylase live,It acts on starch

Starch is used to thicken many prepared foods, from ready-made sauces and baby foods to flavorings and desserts (such as chocolate stains that contain protein and starch). Starch is "sticky" and will absorb other dust particles in the air and even in the washing machine. Starch stains can be very noticeable, which is why amylase is needed to break them down and help wash them off.

Pectin hydrolase, Action on pectin

Pectin is another kind of starch. It occurs naturally in berries, bananas, avocados, and many vegetables. Pectin is also used to add jams and jellies, as well as yogurt drinks and smoothies. Like starch, pectin is sticky; Pectin hydrolase breaks down the pectin so that the detergent can remove stained stains.


Mannose enzyme lead ,gelatinizing

Guar and locust gums can be found in ice cream, mayonnaise, salad dressings, and personal care products such as toothpaste and body oils. Mannitase breaks down these glia to help cleaners remove their sticky stains.

Lipase fructus,Effects on fats and oils

Oil stains can be a persistent nightmare. And many of our favorite foods (cheeseburgers, French fries, sausage, pizza, hot dogs, etc.) are oily and leave a greasy stain. In addition to their inherent animal fats, many of these foods are cooked with peanut, sunflower, and sesame oils. Without the right enzymes, these stains can quickly become permanent. Lipase breaks down fat and oil stains.

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